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Alexandra Pelka

Alexandra Pelka

AP Projects

Alexandra Pelka is an Austrian ESG and Sustainability Consultant. She started her career in the leather and fashion industry as Head of Europe for a Hongkong based technology provider, obtaining hands-on experience across the entire leather supply chain from meatpacker, tannery to brands. Since 2019 Alexandra has also been part of the expert team of the UNECE in their project on traceability and transparency of the footwear and garment sector. Together with representatives of the different industries she has been working on legislation proposals, compliance programs and a blockchain service in order to achieve a valid framework for international and interindustrial application. She collaborates as a senior expert on projects related to sustainability and environmental matters, climate change and ESG reporting, having profound knowledge on reporting standards and data requirements. Together with the italian-swiss chamber of commerce, she is elaborating sustainability strategies and project implementations for the chamber itself, as well as frameworks that serve as guidelines for the associates.

Change Maker ESG Facilitator SDGs