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Niall Marriott

Niall Marriott

Living Carbon International

Niall is a zoologist by training and has spent the last 40 years working at the nexus of environment, economic opportunityand human well-being, particularly in Africa and Asia, both as a consultant providing advisory services to government agencies, non-governmental organisations and companies and, more recently, as a project developer in his own right. A particular theme is stakeholder analysis and cross-sector partnership, bringing different economic actors and stakeholders together to address strategic natural resource-use challenges in a way that aligns the needs of investors with the goals of inclusive, carbon-neutral development. Niall is joint-CEO of Living Carbon International, a joint venture between Carbon-Plus Capital, a specialist in carbon finance, of which he is a founding partner, and Regen Farm Platform, a project developer specialising in regenerative farming. He has authored two books on the theme of sustainable development and cross-sector partnership, both guides to emerging thinking and practice, and several articles.

Emerging Thinking Human Wellbeing Impact Investing NBS Regenerative Farming