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Luciano Giannini

Luciano Giannini


Dr. Luciano Giannini, CEO and Founder of E4SD (Energy for Sustainable Development), graduated in Physics at the University of Rome, throughout his decades of professional life has been working mainly in the energy sector (nuclear, fossil and renewables sources), Artificial intelligence and rational use of natural resources, as University Professor and researcher (CNR, JRC European Ispra, Stanford Research Institute etc) and manager in important multinational companies (ENI, ABB, Alstom etc) in Italy and abroad. He has many years of experience in the processes of internationalization of SMEs, operating in the field of Clean Technology (Circular Economy, Smart Farming, Rural Bio Architecture, Water treatment, Renewable Energy etc) applied particularly in remote areas as well as creating a network among companies, research centres and universities (Polytechnic University of Milan, Bicocca University, RSE, ENEA etc). He is the author of several scientific publications and testimonies at important international conferences. President of the Energy Commission of the Association of Managers of Industrial Companies of Lombardy (ALDAI), member of the Executive Committee of AEIT (Italian Association of Electrotechnics, Electronics, Automation, Computer Science and Telecommunications) and of the Scientific Committee of the Planet Life Economy Foundation (PLEF).Today is also Professor of Digital Energy and Sustainable Development at the Green Foundation (Italy)

Clean Tech Energy Transition Impact Investing Sustainable Development