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Guido Bolliger

Guido Bolliger

Asteria IM

Guido has more than 25 years of experience in managing and developing systematic investment strategies. He started his career in 1994 as index fund manager before returning to the University to complete his Ph.D. in finance at the Swiss Finance Institute. After his Ph.D. he assumed various roles in the field of quantitative investments in the asset management industry both in Switzerland and abroad. Guido also served as Associate Professor of Finance at the University of Neuchâtel between 2006 and 2019 where he taught quantitative risk management. Since the end of 2019, he has been CIO of Asteria Investment Managers a Geneva-based boutique entirely dedicated to impact investing. He contributed to develop investment processes that can deliver competitive long-term performances whilst integrating positive social and environmental impacts. To do so, Asteria relies on a data-driven proprietary systematic framework, which make extensive use of data science.

Impact Investing Quantitative Investing Risk Management