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Beris Gwynne

Beris Gwynne


Beris Gwynne began her career as an Australian diplomat, with postings in Vietnam, Poland, Mexico and Nauru. She joined the Australian “aid” agency in 1989 but left after five years to take up a position with World Vision Australia. Subsequent executive appointments in the not for profit sector included The Foundation for Development Cooperation (Brisbane), The Global Water Partnership Organisation (Stockholm) and World Vision International (Geneva) where she lead the creation of WVI’s “Global Accountability” initiative, serving subsequently as Director of WVi’s office and senior representative to the United Nations in Geneva.

In 2016, Beris created an open platform for collaboration (Incitāre) to encourage fresh thinking and mobilise practical action to accelerate the achievement of sustainable development and humanitarian goals. She has post graduate qualifications in International Law and International Relations and has mobilised support for initiatives to promote futures thinking, innovative (futures fit) partnering (digitisation, financing and organisational design) and the recalibration of metrics to accelerate action along transformative pathways.

Future Thinking Impact Investing Innovative Finance Social Processes Strategic Foresight