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For this reason we developed the “Habitat”, a dedicated management system developed on principles of transparency and collective action to bring together project developers, communities, investors, corporates and governments within an integrated distributed framework to create and prove long-term positive impact.

The habitat enables the creation of transparent and immutable proofs of impact (positive or negative) that a network of independent experts can comprehensively verify. Thanks to this technology, multi-stakeholders can collaborate at multiples scales, across all sectors, with strong governance, auditable measuring monitoring and verification protocols, covering different nature-positive business solutions such as carbon and biodiversity certificates, SDGs as well as impact innovations.

The Habitat is composed of four main ecosystems:

1) An operating system for impact projects where project developers can deploy multiple impact protocols, develop methodologies, connect to experts, prove their action on the projects and consequent impacts generated as well as build and deploy different reporting systems to enhance the impact generation capacity and quality of their project. Ultimately the project developers can benefit from the virtuous cycle of the impact economy, connect to investors to achieve funding to for example undergo additional developments, generate new impacts, or finalize certification processes.

2) A portfolio management system for investors to follow their allocation on the selected projects and report/claim their impacts allocation and distribution among the different projects/methodologies selected.

3) An impact accounting system for corporates to report negative value chain impacts, monitor their impacts life cycle, prove their emission reduction or offsetting results from investments and claim their net zero commitments.

4) A market place to bring blended finance at scale where Project developers, Investors and Corporates can onboard or select investment opportunities, decide to participate in the impact value creation of a project or innovate at different stages and transparently claim the impacts generated by their investments.