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Petrus Jakobus

Petrus Jakobus

Petrus owns a 3000ha farm in the Zambian wilds, where there is no electricity or cell networks easily accessible. He started driving tractors as early as 10 years old, and after finishing high school, he went to university where he obtained a Horticultural degree. Petrus then followed a 2-year compulsory army training and deployment, where he chose to work as an agricultural extension officer in rural areas. Afterward, he had a 4-year job in the Dept. of Agriculture in South Africa, also as an extension officer.

Seeing opportunities in Zambia after the democratic elections in 1990, he moved there and obtained 3000ha of tribal lands, which he converted into a conservancy. It is here that Petrus developed a soil remedy, drawing from global practices and nature’s principles. This product has been developed over the last 30 years by the late Dr. Pieter Cloete, and his late father, Nico Snyman (Bsc. Agronomy Pta.). Nico was actively involved in the development of commercial agriculture throughout his life and realized that the conventional practice of chemical industrial agriculture was damaging soil biology to such an extent that growing healthy plants was becoming almost impossible. Nico dedicated himself to developing a natural method of rehabilitating biologically dead soil, which could be applied to large-scale commercial farming.

Agroecological Management Soil Health Soil Regeneration