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Nicolas Pereira Martin

Nicolas Pereira Martin


Nicolas Pereira Martin, humbly hailing from Switzerland, began his professional journey at InTent as an event coordinator and business development professional. His sincere commitment and talent for orchestrating events, especially those associated with a Family Office, showcased his ability to navigate successfully through complex projects and meet the demanding expectations of his clients.

Within InTent, Nicolas played a crucial role in the inspiring mission to catalyze sustainable solutions by building meaningful connections. He contributed to building bridges between individuals, projects, and opportunities, thus contributing to shaping a future that is fair and respectful to the planet, in accordance with his vision.

His professional trajectory took a distinctive turn when he joined Innovate4Nature as a dedicated participant in project development facilitating financial intermediation, and technical assistance. Nicolas played a pivotal role in implementing an innovative platform aimed at connecting investors and Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) projects intelligently. According to his perspective, this initiative sought to judiciously harmonize profitability, innovation, and nature preservation.

Nicolas embodies a new generation of leaders who, with humility and commitment, contribute to shaping a more sustainable and inclusive future for everyone. His journey, initially traced at InTent and evolving with impact at Innovate4Nature, illustrates his deep commitment to sustainability and his capacity to positively influence our shared values and inspiration.


Business Development Event Management Impact Investing