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Grégory Guillot

Grégory Guillot


Gregory Guillot is a versed business manager with a significant track record in nature conservation, green finance and entrepreneurial projects leadership. He started his career in American blue-chip corporations, where he developed a keen sense of bringing the best products to markets in the most effective way, globally. After a stunt in commodity trading, Gregory elected to join IUCN, as to embedding Nature-based Solutions and their entire benefits within the spectrum of private sector enterprises.

He then founded “Innovate 4 Nature” in the spirit of providing technical assistance and finance to nature positive startup companies, resulting in the creation of a true propeller to scale promising ventures.

Gregory aims at connecting the dots with a profound commitment to remain close to field operations, securing long term progress for local actors and populations in the most harmonious fashion. He has a passion for the outdoor and he has been practicing a feel for ecology from an early age. There is no future without restoring the planet and incepting a change in paradigm where biodiversity, society and the whole economy can thrive altogether. This is Gregory’s main mission at AxessImpact and his main desire to succeed.

Community Management Field Operations Green Finance Performance Monitoring